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The latest news Interviews, technologies, and resources about unclaimed assets

What You Need to Know and How to Find Unclaimed Funds

When most people hear about unclaimed funds, they think of lost money or forgotten bank accounts. However, there are many other unclaimed funds. People don't realize that they may be entitled to some of this ...

Unclaimed Funds: What They Are and How to Claim Them

Have you ever heard of unclaimed funds? If not, you're not alone. Unclaimed funds are a little-known source of revenue that many people don't know. The following information outlines what unclaimed funds...

Housing Opportunities Available for your Immediate Use

Many of our readers are already well-versed in local and national housing programs. But there are always some programs that slip under the radar. We're bringing some lesser-known programs and deals to light,...

Understanding Government Grants and Financial Aid

If you're going through financial hardship and trying to attain higher education or pay off medical bills, government aid can help you. There's a wide range of government programs focused on the sp...

How to Find Unclaimed Money and Resources

Is there money out there with your name waiting to be claimed? From forgotten bank accounts to overlooked inheritances, unclaimed money is a real phenomenon that could sit right under your nose. In this eye-opening article, we w...

The Best Tips for Getting and Handling Unclaimed Funds

Most people own unclaimed funds but don't know where to look or how to claim them. If you think you may have unclaimed money, you should follow the correct procedure to ensure you get it as quickly as possible. Th...

Unclaimed Money: What You Need To Know

There is a lot of unclaimed money out there, and you may be surprised to learn that some of it may be yours. Over the years, banks have changed names, merged, or gone out of business, leaving behind accounts that may be difficult to tra...

Various Sources of Unclaimed Money Everyone Should Know

Unclaimed money is an unclaimed property consisting of money or other financial assets that remain unclaimed by their rightful owner for a specific period. There are many sources of unclaimed money floating around waiti...

How to Find and Claim Unclaimed Funds and Resources

Like most people, you have at least a few dollars owed to you that you don't even know about. There are massive amounts of unclaimed funds and resources waiting for their rightful owners. The money could be yours, and all y...