The Best Tips for Getting and Handling Unclaimed Funds

Jessica Williams
Published Nov 22, 2024

Most people own unclaimed funds but don't know where to look or how to claim them. If you think you may have unclaimed money, you should follow the correct procedure to ensure you get it as quickly as possible. There are a few key places to look for unclaimed money, such as:
• The National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators' website (NAUPA)
• Your state's unclaimed property website
• The Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
• The Social Security Administration (SSA)
• Insurance companies
• Rental Deposits
Once you've located the appropriate website, you'll need to search for your name or the name of your business. You'll need to follow the instructions to claim your money if you find a match. It involves filling out a form and providing proof of your identity. Keep the following in mind:

1. Check With Your State's Unclaimed Property Office

Every state has an unclaimed property office, and you can search for unclaimed money through them. NAUPA has a list of state unclaimed property offices on its website.

2. Check With the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

The IRS is another common place where people have unclaimed funds. It may owe you a refund from a previous tax year, or you may have unclaimed property such as a savings bond. You can check by visiting their website or contacting them directly. Many people forget to check with the IRS for unclaimed funds, but it's worth a shot.

3. Look Into Unclaimed Life Insurance Benefits

If you have a life insurance policy, there's a good chance that you're one of the nearly two-thirds of Americans who let their policy lapse. In addition, if you're the beneficiary of a policyholder who died, you may not even be aware that you're entitled to the death benefit.

The good news is that most life insurance companies have a program in place to help locate missing beneficiaries. Moreover, if you find that you're owed a death benefit, the process for claiming it is usually pretty straightforward.

4. Check for Uncashed Checks

One of the most common ways people lose track of their money is by not cashing checks they receive. If you have uncashed checks, cash them as soon as possible. You may also set up direct deposit for any future payments you receive, so you don't have to worry about losing track of a check.

5. Keep Good Records

Another vital tip for handling unclaimed funds is to keep good records. It means keeping track of all communication with the organization holding the funds and any paperwork related to the account. Also, remember to keep track of any deadlines or requirements set by the organization to ensure that you can claim your funds promptly.

6. Search for Unclaimed Money From Your State

Each state has its unclaimed property program, so it's a good idea to search in your state first. You can do this online, and it only takes a few minutes. However, extend the search to other state databases if you've moved around or think there's a possibility that the money might be coming from another state.

7. Search for Unclaimed Money From the Federal Government

The federal government also has an unclaimed money program, which you can search for free at You'll need to provide your name, address, and Social Security number, and the site will search for all unclaimed money from federal government agencies.

8. Get Help From an Unclaimed Funds Specialist

If you're still having trouble locating your unclaimed funds, consider contacting an unclaimed funds specialist. In most cases, scammers lure people in by promising to help them locate and claim their unclaimed funds for a fee. Remember, you shouldn't pay anyone to help locate and claim your unclaimed funds.

9. Be Patient

The process of claiming unclaimed funds can take some time. Be patient because it's worth it, and you'll reap the benefits. The agency will put you on a checklist and notify you of all proceedings. Check regular updates from the provided contact information.

10. Be Organized

Keep track of all the documentation and paperwork associated with your claim. It'll make the process go more smoothly and help you avoid potential delays. Before starting the process, you should know the needed documents to prevent any stressful surprises.

The guide is a sneak preview of what you'll find during your journey to claim your unclaimed funds. You must observe the deadlines, know where to look for the money, and follow the proper procedures when claiming your unclaimed funds. Also, remember to provide the correct information and required documentation to the office handling your claim.


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