Enfamil, Similac, Alimentum, and EleCare Fail to Warn Parents of Risk

William Asher
Published Mar 5, 2025

Class action lawsuits against Mead Johnson are due to their failure to warn consumers that Enfamil formula used as a substitute for breast milk may increase your neonate or premature baby's risk of developing necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Premature babies unable to nurse in the first few months of life are fed formula promoted as safe and necessary for healthy growth and nutrition. Abbot baby formula voluntarily recalled by the manufacturer is also subject to scrutiny by personal injury law firms. A few babies less than two months old develop meningitis from Cronobacter sakazakii bacteria each year after drinking formula mixed from canned powder.

Breastfeeding or Formula

Would you breastfeed your neonate, premature baby, or newborn if you're warned of the potential danger that your child may contract necrotizing enterocolitis, Cronobacter sakazakii, or Salmonella? NEC results from bacteria growing in the lining of your child's intestines. Breastfeeding benefits both mothers and babies. Breastfeeding reduces the baby's gastrointestinal distress and reduces the child's risk of NEC while reducing the mother's blood pressure and chance of developing breast or uterine cancer.

Necrotizing Enterocolitis

Necrotizing enterocolitis is damage to the intestinal tract that causes segments of the intestine to die. Symptoms of necrotizing enterocolitis are swelling of the abdomen, bloody stools, vomiting bile, and gassy intestinal walls. The precise cause of the disease is not clear. Intravenous fluid and antibiotics help with fevers, sepsis, and lethargy. Surgery is necessary when bowel tissue is perforated or necrotic (dead). Half to 80% of newborns with NEC survive.

Baby Formula Recall

On February 17, 2022, Abbott recalled Similac PM 60/40 with lot #' 27032K80 on the can and lot number 27032K800 on the case. The formula, packaged in Sturgis, Michigan, includes Alimentum® and EleCare® powder formula. An infant died of Cronobacter sakazakii, and the FDA received two other complaints. In sympathy with the family, Abbott voluntarily recalled its products. No formula in the recalled lot tested positive for Cronobacter sakazakii. The recall does not include formulas for infants with metabolic deficiencies. Only formula manufactured in the Sturgis plant with an expiration date of April 1, 2022, is recalled.

Cronobacter Sakazakii Infections

Cronobacter sakazakii, or E. sakazakii, is a naturally occurring germ that can easily contaminate dry baby formula in most households. The bacteria that cause diarrhea and urinary tract infections in adults may be fatal in low birthweight babies. Newborn babies may develop sepsis or meningitis, swelling of the lining of the brain and spinal cord, from Cronobacter sakazakii if their baby bottles are improperly prepared. Early symptoms are fever, crying, and fatigue.

Quality Control - Food and Drug Administration Inspection

Abbott's facilities are constantly tested for pathogens, and none have ever been found in their manufacturing or quality control areas. Cronobacter sakazakii - was found in outer areas of the Sturgis plant where no contact with the product is possible. Abbott quality control includes microbiological analysis prior to each product's release. The FDA inspected returned product samples from all three complainants, and all tested negative for Cronobacter and Salmonella.

The FDA Warns Against Homemade Baby Formula

Homemade baby formula lacks nutrients that your baby needs for healthy growth and digestion. Homemade baby formula has not been evaluated by the FDA. It's equally inappropriate to dilute baby formula. Never purchase formula manufactured outside of the United States because it tends to be counterfeit and does not meet FDA standards.

Consult Your Pediatrician - WIC Recipients Return Product

If you have difficulty purchasing baby formula for your child, please consult your child's pediatrician for advice. If you receive your formula through the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, return your possibly contaminated baby formula to your grocer for another type of nutritious baby formula.

Lawsuits Recover Medical and Wrongful Death Expenses

If your baby suffered gastric distress or NEC, a lawsuit against baby formula manufacturers may help you recover compensation for your child's medical bills, funeral, pain and suffering, and for the loss of your loved one. It costs you nothing to join a class action, or mass tort, lawsuit brought to help you and others recover compensation for their losses.

Florida Class Act Lawsuit Against Abbott Laboratories

In the Miami Division of the United States District Court of Southern Florida, the plaintiff class prays for judgement against Abbott Laboratories for damages caused by its defective products. The lawsuit seeks compensation for ongoing medical expenses related to diarrhea, abdominal pain, severe diaper rash, dehydration, and sleeplessness.

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